Our summer camp season provides a wide range of activities for children ages 8 to 15.
Our summer staff are trained to provide a safe and enjoyable experience for every camper at Eagle Bay Camp!
Every day the campers participate in skills, meals, cabin devotions, and chapel, which includes a camp speaker and worship! Everyday holds a new adventure for each camper, whether they're new to Eagle Bay Camp, or have been a life long camper!
It is your responsibility to drop off and pick up your child from camp. Registration begins at 4 pm on the first day of camp and you can pick up your child at 9 am on Saturday. Please pick them up no later than 10 am as our staff have meetings to attend and need some time off before the next camp on Sunday! If you will not be picking up your child you will need to provide us with a signed letter indicating who will pick up your child at the end of the week. If you have any more questions, you can call the Vernon Office!
Full or partial sponsorships for all camps are available for those who need it. Just contact us at
We welcome children from various backgrounds who may have varied physical, social, and emotional needs. If your child requires special attention (or medication) at home, please inform us so that we can provide the necessary care for them while they are at camp. As well, if your child requires an aide at home you will be required to provide one for them while they are at camp. Eagle Bay Camp ensures it has Registered Nurses on site for each week. Parents need to be aware campers with diabetes must be able to monitor their condition on their own. Our medical staff are there to assist but will not monitor campers through the night. If you have any questions please call us!
Registration/Arrival begins @ 4pm on Sunday
(3 Day Camp Reg/Arr begins @ 4pm on Wed)
Pick Up is Saturday @ 9am
(Children Camps 1 & 2 Pick up is Friday @ 8pm)
Our kitchen staff will do their best to accommodate the following dietary needs:
Gluten Friendly
Dairy Friendly
However, due to the open nature of our kitchen, please be aware that there is always risk of cross contamination.
If a camper is anaphylactic to any foods, celiac, vegan or special diet not listed above, the kitchen will not be able to accommodate these dietary needs. In these instances, our camp fridge and microwave will be used to supplement their meals during their stay.
We do our best to be a nut-free facility.
Registration Day Cookout will be available anytime between 5 and 6 PM down by the Tuck Shop. Campers eat for free; guests will be charged $12 for a pop, chips, hot dog or burger and a dessert. Should you have further questions, please contact the camp office!
The $100 camp deposit is non-refundable. The entire camp fee is non-refundable, as well, if cancellation occurs less than 7 days prior to start of camp. There may be exception if sickness or injury occurs before camp start date but we require a doctor's note. Refunds will not be given for dismissals from camp due to disciplinary action, lice, injury, sickness, late arrivals or early departures (no matter what the cause may be).
Campers are not permitted to retain their cell phones in their cabins and the camp phone is to be used for emergencies and for camp business only. The leadership staff reserves the right to limit calls and lengths of calls. If there are extenuating circumstances in your family life that requires frequent contact between your child and home, you must have this approved by the camp director prior to the start of your child’s camp.
No camper is permitted to leave camp without the specific, written consent of the parent or guardian. To ensure the safety of your child(ren), we also require a written note giving permission for anyone other than yourself to pick up your child at the end of his or her week of camp. There will be delays in releasing your child to anyone else if we do not have it in writing. Please send this note with your child (or the person bringing them) if you do not plan on transporting them in either direction. Please note: Your child(ren) will need to be signed out at the end of the camp week.
Campers are expected to attend all camp sessions, obey all camp rules and cooperate with all camp staff. In order to handle problems in any of these areas, we have instituted the 3 Strike Rule. The first strike is when a camper is taken to see the summer director and is told that they are in violation of one of the rules of camp. The second strike occurs when they violate another (but usually the same) rule. This strike involves calling you to let you know that we are having problems and you are encouraged to talk to your child about it. The third strike means that the issues concerning your child are continuing and they are not being cooperative in abiding by the rules of camp. At this point we are calling you to have you come pick up your child. We rarely get to the third strike with most campers; however, we do reserve the right to send campers home who are being disruptive to their cabin group or to the camp program. Please inform your child about this process prior to their arrival!
Thank you for choosing Eagle Bay Camp as the place to send your child(ren) for a week this summer. We realize that each child is unique; therefore, we will make every effort to understand and meet their needs while they are at camp. Should there be anything extraordinary in regards to their physical, mental, emotional or social needs please let us know before their week of camp!
We want you to know that most children, especially the younger ones, will experience various levels of homesickness. This is based upon a combination of, 1) their emotional or social maturity, 2) the number and types of overnight experiences they have had away from home, 3) the home environment at the present time, and 4) the environment we are able to create for them at camp. We will strive to do our part by providing a camp experience where they will sense Gods presence and will learn and grow in an atmosphere of love and acceptance. If this homesickness persists, or gets worse, we will contact you. Should it be necessary for your child to go home early we will make the appropriate arrangements with you. Unfortunately, there will be no refund of camp fees for campers who go home early because of homesickness.
Just a note, your child can attend camp at the age they will be Dec 31st of this year. For example, if they are 8 yrs but will be 9 yrs by the end of the year they have the choice to attend a 9-11 yr old camp.
Sleeping Bag
Jacket or sweater
Clothes (mark your important items)
Bible (if you have one)
Towels and face cloth
Soap and shampoo
Rain gear
Toothbrush and toothpaste
Good running shoes
Sunscreen lotion
Bug repellant